W12 - One of The Most Significant Innovations in Token Sales

W12 - The founders of the W12 project are going to make their project the largest decentralized solution for financial transactions that are based on blockchain technology. The main mission of the project is to modernize the traditional financial market by translating it into a digital form and thus provide the infrastructure for the creation and development of projects based on modern blockchain technology. 

The W12 project will reduce many different risks and also increase profitability at first. For example, you can safely attract the necessary funds with minimal risks with little or no loss. There is no need for technical analysis. Moreover, in W-12 the project from the beginning-introduction-transformation into the ready business which will bring profit passes rather a short way.
System problems.
Is that the two sides do not trust each other. In order to make payments and solve different kinds of problems, they are forced to come to state and other institutions. For today the system is characterized by slow, high cost of services and almost no transparency of the process.

There's not a bad decision
W12 developers are ready to create a decentralized infrastructure in the field of blockchain technology, where between the parties will not require any trust, reduces the risk of loss of invested funds to 99.9%, all obscure issues will be resolved fairly quickly, Indisputably and simply, as well as free. Instead, the state will do smart contracts. This is all built on transparency and automated reporting.
The team of creators of W12 is going to use the technology they created in the ICO market, which carries great losses, between buyers of tokens and developers of projects. If you look at the average data, we will see that more than 81% of projects in the network can be scammed, and only 3.8% of them are successfully functioning in real life.
As we said earlier, W12 offers to perform all financial transactions on the basis of W12 smart contracts, which do not require any trust between the buyer of tokens and the seller.

Platform description and Features
As we have already realized that the W12 platform allows its users to conclude contracts in the field of blockchain technology, it is not necessary to be able to program. The network transmits the already verified information from the outside world to the blockchain and certifies the successful execution of the scripts provided by the smart contracts.
According to experts, this project will soon reach a high level of the global platform, which is able to radically change all tools to raise funds.
Technological Solutions:
 Digital contract;
 Transfer of funds from one cryptocurrency to another;
 Block network;
 Motivational system;
 Exchange. Completely decentralized and available from the moment of adding projects to the internal exchange.
Platform Benefits
The platform offers the following advantages:
 Increases profitability by 10 times;
 Enables quick fundraising for the project without technical expertise and other initial financial infusions;
 Organizes all relevant infrastructure;
 No first cost. Now, to attract investors through the platform, developers do not have to invest;
 Automation;
 Transparency. Creators will provide users with open source code so they can check the token ratio themselves. All data will be updated on the official website of the project.
Attracted funds are allocated not immediately but in tranches.
If there are deviations from the roadmap, investors can decide whether or not to allocate investments in the project or return the remaining funds to the depositors.
On the W12 platform, a significant role will be given to experts, they will warn investors about the risks they see in a particular project.

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